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Real help with pain and discomfort -

Bowen Therapy

A complementary therapy that works over muscle, ligament, tendon, fascia and skeleton to re-align and balance the body, equine or human. It has an excellent track record in helping relieve many symptoms.


A complementary therapy, with no forceful manipulation or deep massage, a gentle and non-invasive holistic treatment that helps to re-balance the body and promote the healing process.
During the treatment the lymphatic and circulatory systems are activated along with the muscles and the central nervous system. There is no forceful manipulation or massage - just a series of gentle rolling moves made over fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves.
Bowen Therapy - an effective technique for all musculo-skeletal and many other health problems.
Small breaks of about 2mins are given between some of the moves throughout the treatment to allow the body to adjust and absorb the moves.

gentle therapy

A typical Bowen session will last between 45mins to 1hour.
It can be performed over light weight clothing
A hands on holistic therapy - the Bowen Technique involves very gentle but direct activation over structures in the body namely: muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, joints and nerves.
During a Bowen treatment one or more of these structures will be activated, sometimes singly and sometimes at the same time depending on where the move is being performed on the body.
A common thread is that all Bowen moves involve some sort of activation on the fascia as it envelops or is integral to all of the above.
All structures that are activated during a Bowen treatment have sensory nerves innervating them in order to give feedback to the spinal cord and the brain about the state of that particular structure, whether it is hot, cold, stretched or painful etc.
With every movement the human body makes certain muscles have to contract which means that corresponding muscles have to extend.
This activity is controlled at the level of the spinal cord and the brain.
Small breaks of about 2mins are given between some of the moves throughout the treatment, this is to allow the body to adjust and absorb the moves.

Bowen can give effective pain relief from a range of ailments including -
Back pain and Sciatica • Digestive and Bowel problems • Respiratory problems
Hip, Knee and Ankle pain • Neck and Shoulder pain • Repetitive strain injuries

This treatment is suitable for all ages and physical types but is not intended to take the place of medical advice.

Call for an appointment 07776099876 •
Lesley Calder BTAA Fully qualified and insured


THERAPY SESSION - Cost £55.00 + mileage (over 15 miles)
A typical treatment will last between 45mins to 1 hour. Ideally the horse should be given the rest of the day off after treatment and the following day.

equine therapy move

Some of the conditions that Equine Bowen Therapy can help including -
Stiffness on one rein • Heaviness in the hands • Stretching the neck • Restriction of the shoulders
Shortening of stride • Sore back • Sore or tense withers • Uneven muscle development
Restricted movement in lateral work • Speeds recovery from illness
Simply as a treat for your horse

This treatment is suitable for all ages and physical types but is not intended to take the place of vets advice.

Call for an appointment 07776099876 •
Lesley Calder BTAA Fully qualified and insured

Equine case study 1

Dark bay mare, 9yrs old, 16.1, reasonably fit, regularly wormed and shod. No saddle fitting issues. Turned out during the day in winter and out 24hrs in the summer. Noted slight dishing with both front feet.
Specific problems:
Not using herself behind, appeared to drag her hind legs a little. Unwilling to canter, strike-off always on the wrong leg with her head in the air and very un-balanced.
The rider/owner has always found the horse stiff when schooling her and by her own admission does not do very much because it is always an unhappy experience for both her and her horse.
When I first started treating this horse I was barely able to put my hands on her without either being threatened with a kick or a bite. Her body rippled each time I touched her, she moved away from me, ears back, swinging her quarters. With patience I was able to treat her, giving long breaks in between the moves and she was eventually able to relax a little.
The rider gave her horse three days off after the first treatment and then took her into the arena at walk only doing large figure of eights on a long rein. The owner reported the best most forward going walk she had ever felt with this horse.
At the second treatment a week later the horse was more relaxed. I gave her a full treatment again paying close attention to her reactions when I worked over he gluteal muscles, tensor facia lata and the hamstring areas, she was tense through her withers, pectorals and deltoid areas.
Again she was given the next two days off after treatment.

working in the school
happy and relaxed
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